Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Little Mosque on the Prairie

Seems the CBC are giving us many shots at this - the most-promoted new series I have heard about in years on the CBC. I thought I was missing out on it for the week by going to last night's entertainment but here it is on TV tonight!! Rondi has previewed this and I await her review.
For me it seems really dim in the first ten minutes. And worse - the lampooned arrest sequence seemed a perfectly reasonable behaviour on the part of the security team in the context (and I commend the other passengers who drew the security guys in), and the joke about "flying while Muslim" fell totally flat. I suppose the material on religious rules and prohibitions was somehow funny, but I also cannot make sense of Lent so I just don't know.
OK I am now ten minutes into it and it is far worse than I could ever have imagined. Typical CBC sitcom stuff.
Give me back the genius nutjobs like Ken Finkleman, not this crap.


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