Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Rule of Law - fare thee well

A point I made earlier is more extensively developed in this very good post from Russell Roberts.
A friend of mine expressed surprise the other day when I said I wasn't sure if the stock market would bounce back fairly quickly. He said that societies with human capital and the rule of law always thrive. Yes, I said, but I'm not sure the rule of law is our strong suit in the US these days.

He then quotes an article including this shocking paragraph:
"We need to find out the answer to this question: What is the highest excise tax we can impose that is sustainable in court?" Baucus said to IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman during a hearing Tuesday.

And it gets worse. Read the whole thing.
I write this as I watch the bloviating hypocrites of Congress doing what they do best, hypocritically bloviating about the AIG bonuses and bailouts.


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