Thursday, June 25, 2009

More on Iran

fleshisgrass provides me with an excuse. And I thank her.
It seems pretty clear that the Iranians are in for the long haul on this one, and that Barry is going to be dealing with the current administration for a while.
But let me take this excuse to follow fleshisgrass and point to Shappi Khorsandi, who had me laughing with this performance:

"We're the ones WITH weapons of mass destruction."
My exposure to Iranians is like that of fleshisgrass, through very impressive expatriates, and because of my age I am aware of how paranoid the expatriates could be about the Shah's secret police, the Savak. And there is little need to comment on how awful the current guys are. I am pretty confident now that, while I may not live to see it, they are going to end up in a much better place.
But thanks to 50 years of tyranny for contributing enormously to the countries that have accepted Iranian immigrants!


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