Sunday, May 28, 2006

subjectivist liberal democrat individualist Hayekian Burkean universalist altruistic cosmopolitan

Chris Dillow is one and so am I. The underlying axes are nicely described by Richard Chappell here.

I think he is right - there at least that many independent axes.

They are particularly interesting for understanding how I have changed over years.

I was once rationaljst vs subjectivist.
I once admired radicals, though never was one; now I have no room for them.
Having been a manager, I am decidedly not a managerialist. I could once have been one.
Having lived in a community, most of whose apparent values I was determined to escape, I am decidedly not favourable to any infringement of individual rights versus the community.
I think I was once statist, and am now profoundly and irretrievably Hayekian.
The Progressive/Burkean boundary is one I am close to the edge of.
I am decidedly universalist.
I'll call myself Altruist but it is a close call.
I am decidedly cosmopolitan; when my job gets outsourced to the Congo, I will be able to rationalize it.


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