Sunday, April 22, 2007

France's Election Results

They knew in the last election they should have been embarrassed. It seems to me personally that this Sarko-Sego choice is not just the right one among their candidates of the day, but one that looks pretty good.
Sarko gave a short speech - my guess is he assumes he has a good shot at a good piece of Bayrou's vote, and pretty much all of LePen's (is there an emoticon for vomiting about Dieudonne?), so she had a lot more work to do.
She gave an interesting speech, as I said before demonizing Sarkozy to a degree, but also trying to reach out from the left to the middle, talking about renewal. Curiously, and maybe not so, Sarkozy basically promised to keep everyone who is on social welfare in the same state.
I would say 'weird country' if I did not live in this silly one, full of many of the same tensions, and intellectual dishonesties.


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