Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I REALLY Hate Admitting This

UPDATE: In response to Benson Bear's comments.

Craig Oliver is discussing how nice it will be that Jack Layton and Olivia Chow will be working together in Ottawa. And to be honest, I have always found the stuff they say pretty sappy, and yet very appealing.
(As a side point my wife and I live most of our time in different cities because of the locations of our jobs.)
And I hate saying this even more, but when Layton and Chow have discussed their relationship, it has never sounded sleazy and political to me. While they have done lot of other dubious stuff (mindless rants about private provisioning of healthcare, while using it, whether knowingly or not) that pathetic sort of exploitation I do not assign to them.
By the way the City of Toronto has won a ton. Olivia Chow and Marilyn Churley are gone! And all the feds have to pay is Chow.

LATER UPDATE: Having followed up some more on Benson Bear's comments, I want to thank him/her very much and point readers to a discussion of the issue in this entry on Layton. I remain very pleased they can be together and are no longer wasting Toronto tax money on their pet projects.


At 8:05 AM, Blogger Alan Adamson said...

Thanks! This is all helpful.


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