Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How Could I Have Missed This?

The best teenage high-school movie ever is "Say Anything". (I speak as a major John Hughes fan.) (Well, and yeah, I struggle with Ridgemont.)

But how, in the almost 20 years since first seeing that movie, could I have missed this stunning fact about the utterly fabulous Ione Skye?

Daughter of singer Donovan

Sunshine Superman indeed. Twenty years of waiting for each new Ione Skye movie and having no idea! Without blogging I could have died ignorant. And why was it not obvious to me what the Skye "surname" meant?

I still do now know what to make of this.



At 11:18 PM, Blogger Karen said...

hey I love "Say Anything" too. Although in my case John Cusack is the attraction. I saw "Grosse Point Blank" again recently... another classic.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger rondi adamson said...

You didn't know that Donovan was her dad? I knew that long before I even had a computer. In my opinion, the only Hughes movie that is any good is "Sixteen Candles".

At 4:03 PM, Blogger rondi adamson said...

Karen, how come I can't get on to your blog? Aren't I special enough?


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