Thursday, July 03, 2008

Ophelia Loses It (Rightly)

This is just fun (and also enraging - I do hate to think of the total waste of resources pissed away in such endeavours) from start to finish, for anyone who actually cares about what it takes to 'know' something.

Ophelia says, among much else (go read it):

Wordy, jargony, self-admiring, and - clueless. It apparently doesn't even know what 'interstices' means - it seems to think it's a more elegant version of 'intersections.' Anyway, what the hell would an intersection or an interstice 'of epistemology, methodology, metaphysics, ontology, and science and technology studies' be?


There's mainstream epistemology, and then there's Feminist Epistemology (except when there are Feminist Epistemologies). To put it another way, there's rational and then there's raving bat-loony. There's even a course in Feminist Theory: Epistemologies of Ignorance. It's about reading memoirs. They use the word 'Epistemologies' in the title so that it will sound more academic-like. Or something.

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