Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Hail Hail Fredonia

Canada would likely almost be better as Klopstokia.

I have lost an episode of Law and Order to the idiocy of the current battle in Canadian politics.

But now, amusingly, having listened to a surprisingly terse (I like terse!) presentation from the prime minister on why we should not switch over to the proposed coalition, the various media mutter on, somewhat desperate not to project from this clear instance of incompetence to what the coalition will be in end.

We could have saved a lot of time with a simple fight. That was the Klopstokian ideal and it was likely far more efficient that where we are headed.

We are headed to a decision by a Governor-General chosen for beauty, diversity, being a female, and maybe even being close to being a separatist.

Now nobody in his right mind would write the movie "The Queen" around what Michaelle Jean will face tomorrow or soon. I do not envy her. I would have taken the job gambling I would NEVER have this problem. But it's a great job - travel, pomp, entertaining. But actually making a profound decision? S**t. I do not want this!

Dion is now rambling, as anticipated, He knows not terse.

My proposal is Klopstokian. Put Dion and Harper out on Parliament Hill tomorrow morning. Let them fight. Spare Michaelle Jean!


At 9:13 PM, Blogger Allan said...

We need not worry
we are in good hands
Michaëlle will do what is right
for the CBC.


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