Thursday, March 05, 2009

Canada a Monty Python skit?

George Jonas explains the latest "human rights" foolishness. Unreasonable accomodation, I would judge it.
Hall's commissars aren't demanding access to Judge Marocco's court as advocates for shariah. No, they're calling themselves experts on Canada's evolving law. They're not urging the courts to accommodate veiled Muslim witnesses, they're stating as their expert opinion that, as a matter of law, accommodating such witnesses is the duty of Canadian courts. In other words, they're trying to parlay their ideology of Advanced Matriarchal and Transsexual Multiculturalism into expertise on Canadian law. That's a fraudulent pitch, made under false pretenses -- at least, that's what I'd say if the judge asked me.
People should certainly be able to decide what they are in their own minds. By all means, please, be my guest, be whatever you like -- men, women, bullfrogs, butter knives. It is (or used to be) a free country. My problem is with people who want to decide what they are in my mind. The way liberty works, they can decide what they are for themselves, and I'll decide what they are for me. Then we can live happily ever after, including Barbara Hall, who may be a step closer to becoming Ontario's Big Nanny when Judge Marocco decides her status on Friday, Mar. 13, or Ontario's Big Ninny, if the judge prefers the Enlightenment to the Middle Ages.

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