Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Awareness of others

The Austin American-Statesman, a moderately parochial local (I am temporarily in Austin, Texas, one of my favourite cities) newspaper, had a front-page story on the Canadian election with a nice picture of Stephen Harper. I found this utterly remarkable - perhaps the smile of the spirit of George Bush infected their newsroom.
A question struck me. Texas has a population over 20 million, so as a political entity is not far off the significance of Canada. Would a diligent reader of The Globe and Mail have any idea who is the governor of Texas? Or have seen his picture on the front page? Of course, Canadians are far better-informed about the rest of the world than Americans.

(The real reason for this post is to test 'Performancing'. Thanks to Owen Barder for the link to this tool.)


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Alan Adamson said...

Moreover, this is Austin, Texas, not the rest of the state.


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